Inside the human body there is always a war going between the cells that make up the muscle and other cells that makes up fat? But how sure the muscles that will be victorious in this battle? By following five strategies taken from a new book titled "Healthy Food for Women" Through these strategies to lose weight and reduce the feeling of hunger, too.
- The first strategy: a lot of acts of eating fruits and vegetables
The first goal of the strategy is to fill the body as much as possible of the inhibitory nutrients and the most important source of fat for this nutrient fruits, vegetables and nuts as well.
Have proven study at the University of California that people moderate weight ate fruit twice a day while eating obese fruit once.
Another study showed that eating fruit at the beginning of the food reduces calorie consumption by 15%. Also eat vegetables and a citrus fruit gives you omega-3 fatty acids, which help reduce the accumulation of fat on the abdominal area. Some plants omega-3-rich walnuts and walnut and flaxseed.
The plan: Eat fruits and vegetables in all your meals.
Idea to lose weight: Eat vegetables and fruits at the beginning of the meal will consume fewer calories than those found in other foods also increase the feeling of satiety fibers being slow digestion, leading to reduce the amount of food that is eaten human.
- The second strategy: Eat protein at every meal
Contribute to protein-rich foods to increase muscle growth. The fact that every time you consume 10 to 15 grams of protein synthesis is stimulated protein that helps build muscle. Says Dr. Louis Aaron, director of the comprehensive program to reduce obesity in the Medical Center in New York, one of the most important factors that help to reduce weight is to eat protein at breakfast. According to one study, people who start their day with a meal of eggs decreased their weight by 65% of people who eat baked.
Plan: Aim to eat g or 0.45 grams of protein per kg of body weight. If your weight for example 100 kg it must eat 70 to 100 grams of protein a day.
Idea to lose weight: eat a lot of dairy products. Researchers have discovered that people who eat dairy products less likely to be obese than people who eat less.
- The third strategy: eating before and after exercise
Good news for anyone who loves eating a lot of food: You certainly have a desire to eat a lot of foods. The snack of carbohydrates and protein before or after exercise speeds up the process of growth and muscle recovery. The eating well helps in reducing the effects of hormone cortisol which is secreted as a result of tension and stimulates the body to store fat.
Plan: Eat a meal consisting of protein and carbohydrate before exercise half an hour and other protein-rich meal after exercising. You should note that the longer the time between exercise and eating the longer the cracking process the current muscle and thus lower proportion are new muscles.
Idea to lose weight: Drinking fruit cocktail is a quick and easy way to enhance the protein after exercise.
- Strategy IV: a lot of acts from taking power
Power is one of the most important foods that help you lose weight.
The best example of that folic acid, a B vitamin found in abundance in green leafy vegetables. Studies have shown that people who eat these vegetables constantly in their food reduces weight 8 times the other people who eat at varying intervals.
Plan: Consume as much of these vegetables as much as possible. You can eat spinach with an omelet or with chips consisting of flour, milk and eggs.
Idea to lose weight: Use a salad dressing with safflower oil (safflower oil) it contains Linoleic acid, which reduces fat storage.
- Strategy Five: careful eating breakfast
The human body needs to power after waking from sleep. And if it does not address the breakfast it thus reduces the metabolism of muscle and hungry and end up consuming all the calories in late night. The fact that non-attendance at breakfast increases your chances of obesity by 450%.
The plan: Eat 30 to 35% of the calories in early in the day. Strive to Breakfast consists of protein and baked goods made from wheat and healthy fats. And if you do not have the appetite or time to eat a full meal you can eat a little of it and eating yogurt and fruit during the working time.
Idea to lose weight: If you have zero desire to eat breakfast, eat a glass of whole milk, where you will save 8 grams of protein, calcium, fat burner
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