According to a study commissioned by the American College of Sports Medicine, combining yoga and strength training helps you with anxiety, tension, energy and fatigue. Strength training improved muscle mass, fat burning, bone density, metabolic health and produced positive moods. Yoga provided the most benefits with anxiety reduction and calmness.
Personally, I don't practice yoga. But, I am for any activity that promotes health and fitness. If you're looking for ways to enhance your fitness and well-being, disciplines such as yoga is a great alternative.
Yoga also has strength benefits, especially in how it improves core strength and flexibility. There are many different disciplines of yoga so it is important to find the particular one that best suits you.
Flexibility training is under-rated as a tool for injury prevention. Stretching your soft tissues (muscles, ligaments, tendons) will allow the full range of motion of your joints (in all 3 planes of motion).
Some benefits of improved flexibility:
1. Flexibility training corrects muscle imbalances, increases joint range of motion, relieves joint stress, decreases excessive tension of muscles, maintains the normal length of all muscles and helps your body to function efficiently. This will help you workout harder without getting injured. Its also important to stretch your muscles between weight training sets.
2. You should incorporate static stretching and dynamic stretching into your workout routine.
With dynamic stretching, you use your muscles to warm up your muscles with exercises like bodyweight squats, lunges and jump rope. Research suggests that dynamic stretching prepares your body best for your workout. Static stretches require little movement and a hold for 20-30 seconds. Examples of static stretches are the standing quadriceps stretch and the piriformis stretch. Static stretches should be done after your workout to bring your muscles back to normal length.
3. Use self myofascial release with foam rolls (SMRF) in your flexibility routine. It is a form of self massage and you can do it anywhere, anytime.
4. Also, use other massage techniques, such as deep tissue massage, to help relax your body and muscles.
5. If you are in rehab for an injury, flexibility is critical. You should rehabilitate the injured area as follows: a) restore the range of motion, b) restore flexibility and strength of the injured area and c) regain balance lost because of the injury.
6. There are also flexibility tests that you should have done such as the sit and reach test. It measures the flexibility of the lower back and hamstrings. You will want to avoid painful, nagging low back and hamstring injuries.
There are many methods to use to improve your body's fat loss and composition. Use them!
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Mark Dilworth, BA, PES
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