Planning a summer vacation? Or even just spending a few days in the sunshine at the beach? Whatever your plans are this summer, it’s likely that at some point you’re going to have dig out your bikini and swimwear.
At a time of year when we practically live in vests and t-shirts, we want our upper arms to look toned and slim.
Therefore, the time to tackle the bingo wing, the flabby flapper – however you like to refer to it - is here. Following a few pieces of simple advice will leave you self-confident, in better general health, and with toned upper arms.
When you’re fighting the fat, the best place to start is, naturally, your diet. Ditch foods with high fat and salt content, in favor of healthier options like fruit and vegetables, nuts and seeds.
It’s not all about choosing the right foods. It’s equally important that you get your mind in the right place when you’re trying to shed body fat. Adopt a positive, determined attitude and you’ll succeed. That includes things like not giving in to the pressure of family and friends when you’re eating out – as much as they might try to coerce you into choosing something unhealthy with high fat and salt levels from the menu, or to join them for dessert, remain focused and go your own way.
Choosing the healthy options will leave you guilt free and firmly on track to achieving the results you want. Writing for, Richard Laliberte outlines a helpful top ten strategies to lose fat that will get you in the mind set that will lead you to success.
Starting to Tone Up
You’re the master of healthy eating and in control of a sensible diet. You’re losing weight and feeling great - that bathing suit is already calling out to you. But bear in mind that weight loss, especially if it’s quick, can leave you with excess skin that’s a nightmare to get rid of.
Start your exercise regime at the same time that you embark on a fat fighting diet and you should be in great shape. Ease yourself in gently though. Don’t go straight for the big guns – you’re likely to end up hurting yourself and you’ll be less likely to get the end result that you want.
Using things from around the house or the office is a great start when you’re toning your upper arms. Starting with something lightweight, like cans or bottles of water, is a good idea to build up your exercise plan gradually. Spend fifteen minutes each day doing some light reps with a small weight and you’ll already start to see results.
A tricep kickstart – don’t panic, it’s not as complicated as it sounds – is a good step up from using cans or bags of sand to help tone your upper arms. It’s common to focus on your biceps when you’re doing reps with a weight, but this exercise will help tone the back of your arms. For a full demonstration of this exercise, carried out by fitness expert Samantha Clayton, see the following video.
Building your core strength and toning your upper body.
As your health and fitness is improving, you’re naturally going to want to push yourself further. Getting yourself some equipment is a good move and will help you achieve great results.
Whether your focus is purely your upper arms, or you’re interested in working your entire body, a rower is a fast and effective way of achieving the results you’re looking for. As well as working your upper arms and your shoulders, rowing will develop core muscles like your back and abs. For more information on which muscles you’ll be working on a rower, see here.
And you won’t have to commit to a monthly gym payment or the worry of feeling self-conscious as you’re working out. Rowers are smaller than most gym equipment and can be easily accommodated in the home.
Rowers are available to buy for the home from companies such Iron Company, which stock a range of rowing machines.
For UK readers, companies like Best Gym Equipment stock brands such as WaterRower, offering free UK delivery. A design like this, which uses a water wheel design as opposed to a traditional ergometer, means that the rower adjusts itself to how much effort you’re putting into your workout. The harder you work it, the harder the machine will work you! You’ll be burning calories as you tone your muscles, achieving great upper arms that you’ll be desperate to show off this summer.
Be sure and download your Free Dumbbell and Medicine Ball Metabolic Fat Burner Workouts and start shaping your body faster!
Mark Dilworth, BA, PES
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