Still lemonade diet enjoying the attention since the pictures were distributed graceful return of the black singer Beyonce earlier than last year. Beyonce has revealed she was able to lose weight - to play a role in the film "Dreamgirls" - in a short period of time because of the lemonade diet. Reports say that a few stars also using the same diet also for weight loss.

There are several types of diets also like maple syrup diet or red pepper diet because of the components that make up the recipe.

This has been designed lemonade diet mainly to help cleanse the body of toxins, not as a weight loss program directly. And even the use of the word "diet" is a misnomer because they system is similar to fasting. It is a great diet to prevent diseases and digestive disorders. The reason for the success of this system very well is that most diseases begin in the gut, a region which aims to cleanse lemon. As is also a quick way to reduce weight or control weight gain.

With the lemonade diet, can cleanse the kidneys and digestive system in addition to all cells and organs. The body will be cleaned completely of any toxic materials in other areas, including the joints and muscles as well. Also will raise the pressure on the nerves and arteries, blood vessels and declining proportion of fat in the body during this process. And you will find that the rubber skin also improved in this type of diet. Old was told that the lemon has a natural ability to slimming and beauty and cleansing.

And you can use the lemonade diet in two different ways. The first method, the use of diet "Master Kleiner", followed by lemonade recipe for a period of three to five days, during this time, you should refrain from eating any foods.


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