If you are a serious runner, don't make the serious mistake of only running for your training.  Long gone are the days when running a million miles a week was considered adequate training for runners.

Here are 11 Top Cross-Training Sites for Runners:

1.  An Injury-Free Approach to Cross-Training. From swimming to Pilates to cycling, learn what exercises can complement your running routine.
2. How Strength Training Will Improve Your Running. Learn how weight training can improve your strength and time when running–especially for those running 20 to 50 miles a week.
3. Yoga for Runners. Find out how yoga naturally complements running by providing necessary flexibility, body awareness, and more.
4. The Everything Yoga Blog. Read the posts to gain information to improve your yoga practice or visit some of the other blogs and sites included here.
5. Free Picture Galleries of Hatha Yoga Poses. These helpful photos and accompanying text will improve your yoga practice whether at home or in class.
6. Bike About. The posts in this blog offer much more than just biking with thoughts on healthy eating, hiking, and more.
7. Four Keys for Cross-Training for Runners. Check out these four tips to ensure you are getting the most benefits from cross-training.
8. Abdominal Exercises–Best Ab Exercises–Core Workout. Many experts believe when you strengthen your core, you strengthen your whole body. Try these exercises to do just that (and get flat abs as a bonus).
9. Swimming for Runners Cross Training. Learn about the exceptional benefits of swimming as a cross-training tool for runners.
10. Cross-Training for Runners. Find out why and how to cross-train successfully. They also include a great list of running-friendly cross-training activities.
11. Mix It Up. This article not only offers cross-training activities, but it also breaks them down by body area of focus such as lower back or upper body.
Source:  www.nursingdegree.net

If your body is racked with repetitive stress injuries, muscle imbalances, knotted muscles, muscle strains, etc., training smarter will help lessen your risks.

Be sure and download your Free Bodyweight 500 Metabolic Fat Burner Workouts and start shaping your body faster!

Mark Dilworth, BA, PES


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