Food allergy is a reaction produced by the immune system of the human body after eating a particular food stimulates the activity of the sensitivity thus contributing to the emergence of many side effects and the most important of them being over weight , numerous studies proved the existence of a relationship between a food allergy and weight gain in these studies a study conducted by Dr. named "John Mansfield," which will review the most important came across "Club”

"Says Dr. John Mansfield," a pioneer in the field of allergy and nutrition aggravate allergies in the body to certain foods can increase weight significantly and also mentions Dr. "John Mansfield in his new book "Six Secrets of Weight Loss Success Secrets that" Food sensitivities can be one of the biggest causes of weight gain as ordinary compared eating too many calories or lack of exercise, and the most important secret of weight loss secrets is to ensure that there is no sensitivity to any form of food intake per day always like wheat, corn, yeast, eggs and milk "the presence of an allergy to a class of food cause a reaction in the body to prevent the loss of weight or fat burning.

And also food allergies vary from one person to another, says Dr. John Mansfield that many people suffering from food allergies may not be their idea diagnosed but there are many signs and signals as headache and fatigue understand always looking for the causes of this headache and fatigue are not aware that their diet is responsible.

Says Dr. John Mansfield regarding writing "that he had left this book to help people who are frustrated and unable to lose weight even by following sound systems Many people have struggled or still difficult to obtain the ideal weight without putting regardless of health or nutritional effects on the body, which vary from one person to another food may not suit everyone and not help you lose weight.

Weight problems epidemic of obesity is the magnitude of the problems in the past three decades, with further research and monitoring is always done by people to achieve an ideal weight.
Dr. Mansfield hero theory, which suggests that reducing the number of calories in the body and reduce the consumption of dietary fat may help you lose weight.

Diet disciples certified to reduce fat intake not always succeed, because it is not based on the appetite of body fat in the body that helps to store fat by the constant feeling of hunger and eating in double quantities.

And reducing calories, which is always recommended and exercise can not play a role in weight loss in the case of a food allergy, recent data has increased against the strategy of reducing calories to lose weight effectively as they failed to eliminate excess weight for many people.

Instead informed Dr. Mansfield p embark on weight loss first ensure that the body free of health problems that can affect weight such as thyroid problems that can cause significant increase in body weight, as well as the problem of sensitivity caused by taking certain type food sensitivity that goes against the evaluation of the mechanism of satiety in the brain by eating intestinal signals to store fat in the body because of hunger, and contrary to the work of this mechanism properly maintain a normal body weight.

Dr. Mansfield also said that eating foods that cause allergies can affect health, it is always recommended to ensure proper diet that does not have many of the causes of food allergy, which can increase the weight of such as eggs, milk, yeast, proper diet and thoughtful system allows you to eat foods proved to be the prevalence of sensitivity to it, such as rags, lamb, lentils and vegetables such as beans, avocados and fruits such as apples, all serving food to low sensitivity, which can cause weight problems.

And also mentions Dr. Mansfield stated careful to stay away from foods that may be running a cause of food allergies and increase the weight in the diet, and relying on a diet of cereals can contribute to important and effective in weight loss during the first seven days of the target diet This diet general good practice, which limits food allergens is included a wide range of foods that do not affect the weight and do not cause many effects as secondary headaches and fatigue, which is not cereal allergens.

The allergens detection process can take an average of six weeks to ensure that food cause allergic reactions or not re-enter the diet of cereals, who can not know from allergenic foods and no more than weight.

Mentions Dr Mansfield for diet to follow to detect allergens increase the weight as you follow this diet does not feel hungry the body is a system that you can eat a lot of foods to be allergenic authorized for disclosure foods that may be causing the problem. says one of the patients who lose following this diet and lost 5 kg diet some symptoms such as depression, especially in the first seven days, but was able to identify three types of foods that cause allergic reactions and an increase in weight.

Dr. Mansfield when the patient's vision even after seven years was still detained in weight, which reached him through the diet consisting revealed to him the reasons for the increase in food and talent. Mentions Dr. Mansfield because he had discovered one of the main reasons for weight gain is a real strategy can change the lives of many people changing their diet, "and discusses the book by Dr. Mansfield also writing legend cholesterol and risk low-fat diets and the importance of avoiding carbohydrates, which he explains Dr. Mansfield is one of the most important causes of weight gain and diabetes diseases and diseases CHD.


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