Coffee is not a way to alert only but also have aesthetic benefits may not do not expect, and these benefits are its ability to get rid of cellulite or "fat on the thighs and buttocks."

The best way to use coffee to reduce the appearance of cellulite is topical way, this contains a lot of that fights cellulite creams on caffeine.

You work more effective peeled in your home by mixing all of the ground coffee beans with a little warm water and olive oil.

Massage mixture to the Cellulite-affected areas circular movements up (towards the heart), Leave then on the skin for several minutes (5 to 10 minutes) and then Just wax with water.
The mix will.

To stimulate the circulation and get rid of the water trapped, and thus reduce the appearance of cellulite spam.

It is known that coffee contains caffeine, which is a catalyst, and you do not know many is that coffee also contain a lot of antioxidants, which frequently find it in green tea, which is very useful as it helps cleanse the body and toxins exchange it.

Since coffee contains catalysts, it is capable of stimulating the body to get rid of the water stored in it and improve blood circulation, as you strongly.


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