A big part of the fitness lifestyle is to stay as active as possible when you aren't working out. By staying active, you keep your fat...
Top 5 "No-Brainer" Fat Loss/Weight Loss Tips
You should be able to do some fat loss and weight loss techniques without even thinking about it--they are called "no-brainers." ...
Top 3 Metabolism Boosters to Burn Fat
Keeping your metabolism active and ramped up is a matter of consistently doing the things that work. You need to do the things that signif...
Top 5 On-The-Go Workouts To Burn Fat
Working out on-the-go is popular for one main reason: it is a timesaver. The pace of life gets more frantic as technology progresses (it ...
Top 5 Power Exercises to Burn Fat
Improve your fat burning with power exercises. This will also shorten your workouts because of the intensity. Speeding up your exercises ...
Top 5 Stubborn Body Fat Solutions
Stubborn body fat is, well, stubborn! That's why we hate it....its hard to burn off. H...
3 Top Fat Burning Cardio Workouts
Fat burning cardio workouts should: --Improve heart health --Burn calories (during and after your workout) --Burn fat --Spare muscle mass ...
5 Things Stopping Your Weight Loss Progress
If you're not making progress with weight loss and fat loss, there are reasons. You need to identify the reasons or you will continue ...
Top Eating Tip for Weight Management
There is one weight management eating tip that you need to do every day. Eat protein with every meal. At any meal, get full on protein foo...
Top 10 Fitness and Weight Loss Tips
You never need to try a quick weight loss program. You will end up regaining more pounds than you lose. Focus on improving your health a...
Fad Weight Loss Diets--7 Tips To Help You Avoid Them
The best solution for fat loss and weight loss success is a combination of healthy nutrition and regular exercise. After 100 years of weig...
Are You Blaming Weight Gain on Your Job?
There seems to be a new reason reported every week explaining why we are gaining weight and getting fat. Sedentary jobs have ...
Quick Fat Loss and Lasting Weight Loss
Would you like to burn fat at a faster rate, lose weight and keep the fat and weight off? You CAN have it all. Just make adjustments to y...
Weight Loss Lessons from The Red Sox?
The Boston Red Sox can teach you plenty about weight loss. Yes, Red Sox fans, you are 0-6 to start the 2011 season with the hated Yankees ...
Do Cardio to Burn Fat
Your cardio should burn fat and improve your heart health. There are many ways to do cardio but keep these two goals in mind. ...
Avoid Springtime Weight Loss Gimmicks
Don't fall for the many springtime weight loss gimmicks coming your way. Makers of weight loss pills, fat burn supplements and quick w...