Have you been working out for 2 long hours per session with little or no results?! Shorten your weight training workouts to 50 minutes or less and ramp up the intensity! In other words, work harder (on major muscle groups) for a shorter period of time and you'll get more fat burn and calorie burn during and after your workout!
Do as many compound strength exercises (with weights or bodyweight) standing up as possible. These types of exercises work major muscle groups and many times are full-body strength exercises. Squats, deadlift, lunges, standing bentover rows, squat-to curl-to press and bench press are great examples. Full-body core exercises like planks and side planks work well also. Spend less time posing on "mirror exercises" like bicep curls, calf raises and tricep extensions.
Here is a good fat-burning workout:
Do each exercise one after the other with little or no rest between exercises. Rest 3 minutes between circuits. Do the circuit 4 times.
1. Bulgarian Split Squats (pictured above), 10 repetitions each leg
2. Plank, 15 repetitions, 5 second hold
3. Pushups on Medicine Ball, 10 repetitions
4. Step Ups (knee high platform), 10 repetitions each leg
5. Bentover alternating arm dumbbell rows, 10 repetitions
6. Clock Lunges, 5 repetitions each leg
7. Standing alternating arm dumbbell shoulder press, 10 repetitions
8. Repeat circuit 3 more times.
This type of workout will help you break through your weight loss and fat loss plateau.
Be sure and download your Free Bodyweight 500 Metabolic Fat Burner Workouts and start shaping your body faster!
Mark Dilworth, BA, PES
Your Fitness University
My Fitness Hut
Her Fitness Hut
Sports Fitness Hut
Rapid Fat Loss and Six Pack Abs
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