Calorie deficit and sport: the key to lose weight |
There are two things to do to lose weight for sure, (re) discover them now to remove your unwanted pounds.> How to lose weight fast? The basic rule is based on the calorie deficit and sport
If you spend more energy than you consume, you create a calorie discovered. If you eat fewer calories than your body requires to function, you also create a calorie shortage. More importantly it is the more you will melt your fat reserves so you will lose weight more quickly. This may seem logical, but it should be reported and insist on it.
Indeed, many people believe that it is essential to eliminate a particular food from their diet to lose weight successfully . But this is not necessarily the case as they can completely continue to eat the foods they like, with three requirements:
- Prepare meals more evenly ( 10-20 % protein, 40-50 % carbohydrates, 30-40 % fat) .
- Eating less or much less (depending on the calorie deficit you want to create and your daily energy needs ) .
- Exercise more often (and not just once a week).
Create a caloric deficiency reducing your energy consumption by 15-20 % compared to what your body normally requires to maintain your current weight. Nevertheless try not to select too low calorie or restrictive alternative (excluding one or more food groups ) in order not to trigger the mechanism of protection in the anti- hunger organization .
Vary the daily calorie supply to not fall into boredom. Change your calorie intake every few days . For example , do 3 days low calorie absorption followed by one day the normal level. This will force your body guessing and will avoid the landing. Eat five or six small meals spread evenly throughout the day to maintain a high metabolism and prevent you from making differences .
Back on the importance of sport . You can burn energy faster by exercising regularly (at least 4 or 5 times weekly) . The sport also gives you so many more health benefits than to lose weight . Embed a sports training routine to your lifestyle can actually reduce consistently the risk of various diseases , especially those related to the heart.
Try dialing sessions based on cardio training and resistance training . Cardiovascular exercise will tone your body, and resistance training thwarts muscle breakdown while accelerating metabolism. Their combination facilitates obtaining a desired shape without damaging the health . Do not forget to practice interval training to lose weight while maximizing efficiency.
If you do one hour of sport to burn 500 calories while your body requires 1,800 per day to operate, and if you have consumed a total of 2,000 during the day , creating a shortage of 300 calories (for 2000 - 500 - 1800 = -300 ) . This may seem little, but if you keep this pace calorie deficit for several tens of days , your body fat will melt inevitably .
Similarly, if you only eat 1600 calories a day while your body spends at least 2000 per day to function normally (that is to say your metabolism ) , you create a gap of 400 calories (1 600-2 = 000 -400 ) . In fact , the more you cause a significant deficiency (in calories ) each day , you will lose weight more quickly.
> Lost 8000 calories = 1 pound of fat under
If you accumulate eg 20 consecutive days with a "discovered" 400 calories per day , you create a total shortage of 8,000 calories ( 20 x 400 = 8000 ) . And for all the lost 8000 calories , you will lose weight : 1 kg more exactly fat! To find the line , so we advise you to follow a weight loss plan suitable for sport more regularly.
However, do not submit your muscles too much tension by doing more exercise than what your body is capable of supporting . You can prevent sports injuries if you know the limits of your physical condition. Remember to stretch and warm up before you start a workout to maximize the benefits associated with the sport .
Do not try to lose weight too fast because you are likely to become disillusioned . For example, do not set the goal of removing 20 kg in 21 days. The means of achieving the objectives of unrealistic weight loss are actually harmful . They usually require an excessive intake of calories limitation ( in order to create a huge calorie deficit ) or exclusion of a whole family of food products.
For example you should exclude fatty foods in certain regimes, which believe in making you lose weight faster. But fat is essential for the body to make certain soluble vitamins can absorb . Without fat, the body does not get all the essential nutrients in optimal functioning . And you will suffer the consequences of nutritional deficiencies in the medium and long term.
These bad slimming methods usually leave negative marks on your body. They make you regrossir later by inflicting the famous yo-yo effect .
To abstain from regrossir , rather adopt a healthy and balanced diet. Likewise increase your overall level of physical activity. If you can drive the extra pounds while stabilizing for a long time , it becomes very interesting because having a weight just evades many diseases .
> What actually begin to slim ?
To lose weight quickly without suffering the yo- yo effect , or melt your kgs excess fat advantageously (before a birthday, summer vacation, or other special event, etc. . ) , First calculate your BMI to find out where is your overweight / obesity.
Next, determine your ideal weight. Once these parameters are known , you can deduct the amount of weight to remove unnecessary (and thus determine your target weight).
Then browse our listings plans and make your selection . How to lose weight fast? Keep in mind constantly for this, we must assimilate the rules of weight loss programs , as well as their interests and defects. If necessary, do not hesitate to document and further reading by buying books written by experts who developed these programs. A fat melting should not be taken lightly or done at the expense of your well-being , then go about it with the greatest possible scholarship. Do not play with your kgs as if you could then lose again indefinitely.
Slimming becomes simpler if you look at our thousands of health articles . Know the balanced and effective weight loss plans, see their principles and menus prior to hunting unnecessary pounds. Lose slowly and in a good mood to optimize your eating habits and healthier lifestyle . In fact, if you think an dependence vis - a certain type of food (eg if you are addicted to sugary foods ) , the period for weight loss can be a good opportunity to overhaul how to behave in front of these foods.
Whatever your choice , remember that your diet should be accompanied by regular physical activity , and possibly a medical monitoring (provided by a doctor, a nutritionist or diétiticien graduate ) . You should also get a tracking specialist for slim effectively. Any overweight (and especially morbid obesity ) should be taken seriously because it can cause a variety of chronic diseases and long-term ( what experts call comorbidities ) . And seriously, you will get by looking these professionals .
You regrossi after yet managed to lose weight fast ? Want to show others how overweight people lose weight without putting health at risk ? If you want to share the experience in your fight against excess weight , let your testimony at the bottom of our articles or join the conversation at our forum. Your experience will help others not to fall into the same traps and take the first good step.
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