Before starting the exercises, remember that you must stretch and warm up your body. Also, better to start slowly and do not make too many series of movements at first, especially if you do not have the habit of doing physical exercises. If your body feels fatigue, immediately made a break if you feel that one of the parts of your body hurts, stop exercising and see tomorrow if it helps. You need enough patience to slim thighs. Read also what foods to eat before practicing sports training.
Most exercises to lose thigh as we will detail below can be performed with a cable or a specific training machine for added strength. Remember that tone a variety of muscle near this area will help you burn fat thighs. In addition to a good workout, practiced diligently, it is also important to ensure try to reduce your calorie consumption. Food control is extremely vital when you want to lose weight thighs. Indeed, without calorie restriction, sports efforts may not be enough to make you lose enough fat in the body (and therefore in the thighs).

  • Here are the exercises to lose thigh we advise you to do. Make your selection according to your desires and physical forms:

1) Contraction
Lie on your back on a mat on the floor. Let your hands behind your head. Put one leg on a chair or bench and lift the other leg so you can see your two legs form a 90 ° angle. Take off your upper back ground and contract your abdominal area.

2) Pedaling
Lie on your back on a mat placed on a flat surface. Put your hands beside (elbows glued to the floor). Lift your legs and pedal your legs in the air as if you were cycling. Do this for at least 5 minutes a day. This exercise will burn calories as much as it will slim down thighs.

3) Lift leg with weight
Sit straight (e) on a chair with a back. Put weights on your ankles. Raise a leg and then the other, then both. It is not just an exercise to lose thighs but also a movement that will tone your legs, will strengthen the abdominal muscles. Play a round at the beginning (15 to 20 movements) and then increase the number of series over time. Read also foods that can help you fight cellulite.

4) Lift leg supine
Lay aside, stretch your legs and up to 10 inches from the ground. Keep adhered to each other. Pause when the legs 2 are located at the top of the movement. Then descend slowly to the ground. Repeat this movement 5 times and then switch sides. Do this exercise 2 to 3 minutes per day (at the beginning) will be good for your thighs. Gradually increase the time to 5 minutes per side (so 10 minutes in total) once you are accustomed to exercise. It is a very good exercise to lose weight thighs. Read also how the use of slimming shoes can help firm thighs.

5) The extension legs
It works well on the thighs. This somewhat resembles the previous movement, but taking off the two legs. Lay aside, keep one leg stuck to the floor and lift the other leg straight up toward the ceiling (toes pointing to the ceiling). Then down the leg is in the air slowly until it touches one that is stuck to the floor, before making off again slowly. This exercise will slim the thighs resserrerant their muscles. You can also attach a small weight to your leg is in the air (without risk since the movement is slow).

6) Stability Ball (swiss ball)
This exercise to lose thighs is good because it strengthens your inner thighs. Lie on your back and stretch your legs on the floor, slightly apart (at least the distance between the hips). Place a stability ball 55 centimeters between your legs, ankles, gently squeeze the ball to set up. Relax your hands beside you.
Then contract the abs, pull your spine to a neutral position and release your buttocks. Then no alignment change, press the stability ball between your legs and bend your knees, taking off the ground leg to align the knees with the hips. Your legs should be parallel with the ground.
Release, off the stability ball to the ground, and put your legs straight, while keeping the lower back in contact with the ground. Repeat the movement for slimming thighs.

7) Walking on treadmill
If available, walk on a treadmill inclined at 15 °. Walking with the 15 ° slope is a huge difference between walking on a flat surface. The angle makes much better for both weight loss and target your legs (and butt) work more directly.
Not all treadmills can be tilted, then ask a tilt table if possible. Once tilted, walk for at least 25 minutes. Chances are that you hate at first because it is not easy, but you'll love the results once you have managed to slim thighs.

8) slot side
It is an exercise to lose thighs very easy to do. Stand with your feet apart as wide as your hips. Keep your body straight. Take a step to the left, bend your knee. Push your left foot and return to the starting position. Now do the same on the right side. Repeat this routine 5 to 10 times on each side.

9) Ascension
Use your left foot to mount a stepper aerobics or a stair. You can also use a bench with a height equal to your knees for this exercise. Go back down, then go back with your right foot. Repeat these movements 5 to 10 times on each side. To create superior strength and slimming thighs faster, you can place a long barbell across your shoulders.

10) Slot walking
Take a big step forward. Your front leg should be bent at an angle of 90 degrees. The knee remained behind should almost touch the ground. Pull up with your front leg and return to a position that stand. Now a step forward with your other leg and do the same thing. Repeat this walk across the room. You can also do this exercise to lose thighs more effectively by holding a barbell on your shoulders to add more resistance.

11) Loop lying with legs
Lie on a bench, his face directed towards the ground. Bend your legs to attract towards your buttocks. Make this move with a cable attached to your feet works well. Do several repetitions of these movements until your hamstrings get tired. Strengthen these muscles will help you lose weight thighs too.

12) hip adduction
It is an exercise to lose famous thighs. Stay balanced on the right foot. Lift your left foot to the side while keeping the rest of your body straight. Slowly bring your left foot to the floor and cross it in a flexible way (gently) with the right foot. Without touching the ground, bring your left foot to its original position and repeat the movement. Take a break, then do the same with your right foot (taking you balance this time on the left foot).

13) Hello
This exercise is like a bow, it looks like the act of saying "hello" politely Asia. It is rather effective for slimming thighs. Stand with your feet together and your knees straight. Keeping your knees fully extended, bow from the waist. Lean slightly forward to make sure the hamstrings are used. Now return to the starting position, and made for several repetitions.


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