The meal last night of the worst habits you can adopt it.
When you eat directly before going to sleep, you do not you get on the same benefit to raise metabolism compared with meals of the day, because the body begins to prepare to sleep two hours before bedtime.
The delay causes a decline in the rate of metabolism (fat burning). When you sleep, the only calories that will use are the basic calories to keep your heart beat, your lungs breathe, which also allow the eyes to move in rapid eye movement during sleep.
Strategies to help you achieve your goal:
- Herbal Tea:
Replace light meal thinking in dealing with late-night cup of herbal tea. This is our strategy as well as the favorite strategy of many people, because especially herbs chamomile, working to calm the nerves, and gives you a feeling of fullness. But if boredom is the motive to eat, tea keep you busy for a period of time until your desire to eat. The ritual of drinking tea also give you time to reflect on your day and set goals for tomorrow. (Add aromatic herbs for tea always because of the benefits).
- I run you:
Again, boredom cause of all problems, it motivates us to do things that radical such as eating, sleeping overload, you can running yourself easily, for example, a national clean the office, and rearrange the leaves, a national reading books or magazines (medical, health, and Fashion), Enjoy surfing Internet, or Start your own blog, and write what you like poetry, thoughts, or nationalist collect articles like, or pictures of your family, and so will spend time, and forget Multi refrigerator.
Pledge and commitment:
Finish the day with a commitment and pledge again that you do not want to taste and drink harmful to your health before going to sleep, and make sure that you do not challenge your day, but defying a wide range of diseases that may The Age If you continue your bad eating habits.
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