U.S. study modern confirmed that taking a bath of ice for 10 minutes three times a week to lose weight 3
kilos per month and this is because the body contains a type of fat called fat structure that discovered it is the other new revolution in weight loss because it works on burning calories in the body in a manner effective but present in small quantities in the body, but scientists have found a way to stimulate the work of brown fat cold temperatures and that is what happens when you take a bath of ice for ten minutes
Has proven many modern scientific studies the effectiveness of brown fat to burn calories she works as a generator heat of the body and helps in burning fat by stimulating metabolism any rate burn calories in the body as that brown fat eliminate fat white damaging what helps in getting rid of weight excess and obesity, showing that man is born a large amount of brown fat in the body and these fats exist in abundance when young is that modulate heat their body when they are exposed to cold and is concentrated in the neck and neck and after aging disappear fat and take their place fat white increasing in number and size and cause overweight and obese
And how the ice bath to activate brown fat in the body: are full of half bathtub with cold water and put 2 to 3 kg of ice and then waits to melt large amounts of ice in cold water and then now you can sit in the bathtub for 5 to 10 minutes
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