Suffer many of the ladies of the frustration that has stopped short of depression by the idea of ​​lack of control in overweight and representing them a major obstacle in reaching the body healthy and shapely, so we find women seeking agility find in the search for recipes slimming rapid optimal solution, ladies can not wait or experiments demand a clear and explicit the recipes slimming without diet, women may not afford systems accursed strict stressful for her and her health, so we see that women are working hard to get the recipes slimming natural and inexpensive and can abide by and sing for fevers puritanical that can not comply with the most often, So it is we do for you today and slimming qualities of Dr. Adel Abdel Aal, which is the simplest recipes slimming without following any diet systems, said Dr. Adel Abdel Aal several recipes for weight loss of 5 to 7 kg in a month.

1 - Slimming recipes from water grape leaves:
The simplest recipe of slimming recipes to Dr. Adel Abdel Aal a cup of boiled water grape leaves him a lemon added before eating every day.

2 - Slimming recipes from almonds, cumin and lemon:
Added 10 almond kernels in a cup of hot water laced with cumin love with grated lemon and leaves a quarter of an hour and then drink before eating a third of an hour, this is the recipe of prescriptions for slimming LOSS This recipe also works to reduce cholesterol if been rewarding and is not cooked.

3 - Slimming recipes of almonds and honey and dates:
Soak almonds in water the night before use and then put it honey, dates, and taken the recipe eating three hours before and this mixture also helps to increase the weight, but if taken after eating warned, dear.

4 - Slimming recipes from apple cider vinegar:
Advised Dr. Adel Abdel Aal to get rid of the rumen eat on an empty stomach and before each meal and before going to sleep well tablespoon of natural apple cider vinegar dissolved in a glass of water.

5 - Advised Dr. Adel Abdel Aal to get rid of the rumen also be meal Alavtarabarh for a cup of coffee or cinnamon milk light on a daily basis will reduce weight in a natural way.


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