To know how to do tummy tucks must get rid of the problem of sagging abdomen or the emergence of rumen we must know the underlying causes that led to the problem of large abdomen.
Causes large belly "rumen":
1 - Frequent fat in the front wall of the abdomen and the weakness of the abdominal and back muscles.
2 - Lack of exercise and inactivity and sleep too much and sit back and relax and laziness.
3 - Swallowing air while sipping drinks and foods because of the urgency in the eating, leading to frequent gas in the stomach and intestines.
4 - Sleep immediately after dinner and the failure to regulate meal times.
5 - Smoking, this leads to frequent entry of air.
6 - Frequent drinking soft drinks, water and beer, especially during the meal.
7 - Focus on eating a big meal a day calorie diet and neglect of other meals.
8 - Too much takeaway and not to chew food and urgency in the eating.
9 - A lot of starchy and sugary snacks and fatty.
10 - The presence of psychological stress or anxiety leads to eating too much and eating large quantities.
11 - Diseases of the colon and the accumulation of fluid in the abdominal cavity.
12 - Frequent lifting heavy objects randomly lead to a drop in the stomach and intestines.
13 - Random nutrition for pregnant and lack of exercise during pregnancy and after birth.
14 - Old age, which leads to muscle weakness and internal organs.
15 - The deposition of fat on the internal organs of the abdomen which increases the size of the stomach and intestines.
How to get rid of belly "rumen":
- Do not use soft mattresses, frequently during sleep because it weakens the muscles of the abdomen and arched back.
- Knees should be the highest level of the center of the body "pelvis" when you sit on a chair.
- You must do the breathing exercises and relaxation.
- Have to walk after dinner and warns of sleep immediately after eating.
- Need to do exercises to strengthen the muscles of the back, abdomen and thigh background.
- Pull your abdominal muscles with exhaled in every time and in any place, it improves the texture.
- Improved textures is very important to get rid of the large belly and the way to stand, stand moderate and back adjacent to the wall, must be touching the wall to the following parties: heel, sitz, shoulders, back of the head.
- Follow the dietary advice that following clarification:
- Need to be wary of sleeping on the stomach is one of the worst habits have warned him of the Prophet, peace be upon him.
- A moderate return to stand.
Shatt al abdominal exercises "rumen":
- Sleeping on your back with your knees bent and feet touching the ground.
- Put your fingertips under the bottom of the buttocks area and begin a stomach strain until you feel pressure down your back on your fingers.
- Stay in this position for 20 seconds.
Exercise to flatten abdominal muscles of both sides of the center. :
- Sleeping on your back with your knees bent at a distance from the sitz so you can not put the whole foot flat on the ground.
- Unlike the arms over the chest, taking into account the presence of a small gap under the lower back area.
- Constriction of the abdomen with the move awry even moving the left side of the rib cage to the right side of the trunk with the direction of the knees to the left.
- Slowly return to the starting position and repeat the exercise for the trunk with the direction of the knees to the left.
- Slowly return to the starting position and repeat the exercise in the opposite direction.
- Moving the right side of the rib cage toward the left side of the trunk and the direction of the knees to the right, repeat the exercise 8 times in each direction.
Exercise of the Shatt al abdomen of the lower area of the abdomen "anterior muscle group":
- Sleeping on your back and put your arms over the head with constant constipation something like the legs of the bed or the couch.
- Knees bent hand chest while keeping the torso and pelvis on the floor.
- Tummy tuck so close to the knees of the chest and then return to starting position.
- Make sure that the movement comes from tightening the abdominal muscles and is not likely to legs, repeat the exercise 8 times or more.
Exercise to flatten the abdomen for a full abdominal muscles:
- Beginning to lift the body up from a building on the elbows, taking into account that just below the shoulders.
- Up by lift forearms and toes parties so that the entire body is away from the Earth and abdominal liposuction backbones hand while keeping the body without falling down the trunk.
- To retain this 30 seconds, or as long as possible.
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