Many complain of the ladies of the inconsistency facial plump, especially with the presence of fat concentrated in the buttocks area clearly, usually noted that the fat in this area is difficult to get rid of them easily with diets different, and therefore you need to diet specialist to reduce the size of this region.
So we offer you a diet for six consecutive days, working on slimming the buttocks area quickly, and experts advise keeping their exercise performance next to that diet.
In the absence of the possibility to go to the gym, you can perform some simple exercises for that area in your home, such as the following exercises:

- Put your body on the ground and then a national move your legs in the form of a wheel.
- Put your body on the ground and then a national move your feet one after the other, quite careful to be fully extended, Rest a bit and the situation twelve feet to touch your knees abdominal stretch on the ground again.
- Habitations standing position tight textures then Bend your knees slightly and come down and see with count ten times in a row.
- You can replace the elevator ride to climb and go down the stairs.

The diet is a follows:
The first day:

Boiled egg or a cup of yogurt toast or a quarter of a loaf my three tablespoons response or 2 disk rose.
Between breakfast and lunch:
The fruit of one of the fruits (banana, apple or orange) rose spoon.

Vegetable dish without margarine or oil thickness authority or a quarter of a chicken or meat pieces "grilled meat without skin," Rose spoon or 2 disk rose.

Between lunch and dinner:
The fruit of one of the fruits (banana, apple or orange) rose spoon.

You can choose a meal and one of three choices:
Egg cup yogurt three tablespoons rose or 2 disk rose.
Steak 1 Toast 3 tablespoons rose or 2 disk rose.
Two tablespoons cheese toast three teaspoons rose or 2 disk rose.
Finally, Replace sugar with sugar diet, and avoid drinks that caffeine as much as possible, in the narrowest circumstances drink one cup only during the day.

Second day:

Breakfasts choose between the following:
½ cup orange juice or orange full boiled egg toast or a quarter of a loaf three tablespoons response or three disks response.
Cup fruit yogurt, preferably orange or apple for the clear winners for their fiber 3 tablespoons rose or 3 disc rose.
Full apple biscuits big three teaspoons rose or three discs Rose.

For lunch you three choices:
2 toast diet slice cheddar cheese fruit (apples or oranges) Three tablespoons rose or three disks rose.
2 toast diet a small can of tuna without oil or fish grilled medium power option
(Two tablespoons yogurt and grain option) fruit three teaspoons rose or three disks rose.
Four tablespoons beans with lemon and cumin 2 toast diet fruit three teaspoons rose or three disks rose.

Dinners choose from the following:
Quarter of grilled chicken or boiled green salad four tablespoons vegetable spinach or beans or artichoke to contain them a lot of fiber Three tablespoons rose or three disks rose.
2 eggs poached green salad and carrots can be added three tablespoons rose or three disks rose.
Slice thickness or grilled fish or tuna with filtered oil tablespoons oil rice, preferably brown rice three teaspoons rose or three disks rose.

Third day:

Four tablespoons beans with lemon or a cup of yogurt or boiled egg toast coffee or tea with milk skimmed three teaspoons rose or three disks rose.

A dish of cooked vegetables problem without oil or margarine preferably cooked by steaming, and possible switch vegetables boiled green power grilled fish or a can of tuna without oil or grilled chicken without skin.

Cup yogurt 2 toast three teaspoons rose or three disks rose.
Five tablespoons skim cheese toast three teaspoons rose or three disks rose.

Fourth day:

Toast tablespoons honey three teaspoons rose or three disks rose.
Egg slice to Inchon three teaspoons rose or three disks rose.

Love is one of the fruits (grapefruit, apple or orange) rose spoon.

Vegetable dish without margarine or oil or green salad half or two pieces of chicken meat a quarter kilo weight or five slices smoked turkey tablespoons rose or pirate reply.

Between lunch and dinner:
Love is one of the fruits (grapefruit, apple or orange) rose spoon.
Repeat for lunch at dinner.

Fifth day:
Toast tablespoons honey or jam.
Toast five tablespoons skim cheese.
Make sure to eat three cups of water a pirate rose or two tablespoons rose at breakfast.

First choice:
Pasta boiled any quantity (tomato paste can be added) green salad or boiled vegetables or cooked by steaming.

Second choice: boiled potatoes any amount of green salad or boiled vegetables or cooked by steaming.

Third choice: boiled rice any amount of green salad or boiled vegetables or cooked by steaming.

Eat with lunch three glasses of water a pirate rose or two tablespoons rose.

Eat any amount of fruit except "mango - grapes - figs" three glasses of water a pirate rose or two tablespoons rose.

Sixth day:

1 apple or a cup of coffee or tea with skimmed milk.

Quarter of grilled chicken or a can of tuna without oil four tablespoons rice or four tablespoons spaghetti five tablespoons authority.

2 eggs poached green salad.


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