On a trip to pursue perfect slim body become an obsession for everyone and it does not matter which way track and how they affect them in the future positively or negatively, and so today we will give every More followers diet 6 fatal errors of both diet and health:

1 - starvation diets less than 1000 calories per day:
Many think that the handling of water and some fruit kernels or carrot sticks lose weight and fast, but the truth is they will lose water and the proportion of body muscles and a very small percentage of fat.

And you will find that the figure on the declining balance and fast, but the thing is that your health and your fall with him also so all nutrition experts are advised not to less calories consumed per day for 1000 calories so that the body can provide needs of various nutrients and vitamins.

2 - slimming pills
So far does not appear markets any product healthy and safe cause weight loss and more serious as you say expert nutrition spokeswoman for the Association of dietarians U.S. d / genes Molo it sold without prescriptions which mostly focused on the extract of caffeine with some chemicals that increase water loss Body which may cause the body's state of drought, and prefer eating natural herbal expert in food or drink and exercise as a permanent solution effect and not temporary.

3 - Use a detoxification diet for long period
Unfortunately many people are using the system to get rid of toxins and drinks only natural for more than 10 days in order to lose weight, but this is the risk of life-threatening index followed many of the health problems, drought and hair loss

4 - deliberate vomiting
Unfortunately the behaviour is common in Europe and America, and now began sneaking between members of our community of girls so that dealing with the girl what you want to eat in large quantities you feel guilty and then go to the bathroom and vomit and so on, and you know that case one of the advanced stages of disease anorexia and that causes a lot of problems for the device digestive and psychological girl herself and therefore should go to a psychologist quickly when NOTE repeat this act more than once
The danger lies also because the stomach acid to digest food is very strong and when repeated vomiting daily cause severe infections in the oesophagus, larynx, mouth, and sometimes when you continue on this system for long periods of time as possible cause gum cancer.

5 - exercise extremism
Exercise is very important, even if you're not want losing any excess weight but useful for public health, but sometimes the desire of some in the weight loss resort to exercise for a long time and with great force with eating a diet low-calorie, putting their muscles to the problems of fragmentation and their bodies to the dangers of too many, but limit health of the sport is to exercise 30 minutes a day Any favourite sport with the exercise of 20 minutes two or three times per week from cardiac exercises.

6 - smoking
Unfortunately many turn to smoking to weight loss and loss of appetite due to the proportion of nicotine Aaliyah lost appetite Apart from Con many on lung and breathing and the dangers caused by the cancer and the fact that it harms all members of the body without exception When trying an individual smoker to move away from smoking is heading for the food, which aggravated in weight and strongly.

So whatever your diet system for losing excess weight away completely from any of those fatal errors of diet and health together to ensure proper weight loss healthy and stable.


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