Women who, without taking food lost nearly 6 pounds of these women have not made their

The researcher assessed changes in body weight at 123 Lady in postmenopausal women who are between the ages of 50 and 75 years who are overweight or obese and one year.

Respondents were divided into two groups, first a diet to reduce calorie intake, while the second group followed a diet in addition to exercise.

The list of completed questionnaire that women eat taking and models meals and behaviour, such as eating out and identify what taking foods and quantities.

After the women in both groups dropped by almost 11% of their weight at the beginning of the study, which means an average of 19 lbs.

However, the researcher noted some of the ways that led to greater weight loss, which ladies without taking food lost nearly 6 pounds than those who did not live in this procedure.

In addition, the women who dropped some loss of about meals eight pounds less ensuing regular meals. And eating outside the home reduces the chances of weight loss, especially for lunch, because it is difficult to count the calories in foods in restaurants, in addition to the saturation of these foods rich in fat and sugars.

It Maktern Ann, professor of epidemiology at the Universityof Medicine and Washington "strategy to write everyone eats during the day for best results in reducing the weight."

D-joint. Mikhail Aziz Hospital "Lenox Hill" American study, saying: "The results of this study confirm what we advocated by experts for years for ways to lose weight, the followers of the recording so anyone covered food on a daily basis in detail not only a good idea to count calories covered by the person of his time, but also monitor the quality of the overall health of your diet.


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