Are there things in your life hindering your motivation to burn fat and lose weight?
If you want weight loss with fat loss, your workouts need to be intense enough to build muscle and burn fat. And, you need to be patient as your body changes its composition to lean and toned. That would stop you from ever trying a quick weight loss program designed to give you short-term weight loss but long-term failure. You will change your eating habits to help reach better long-term goals of health with a great looking body.
Having the right type of motivation will help you succeed.
In a Men's Health Magazine article, it details motivations that lead to success or failure. New Year's fitness resolutions will die by the end of February if you have the wrong motivation for working out.
a) AMOTIVATION - You don't really have a reason to work "whatever dude." Your workouts won't last long.
b) EXTERNAL REGULATION - You're motivated to workout because other people like the way you look when you're in shape, but no internal motivation exist. How long do you think you'll be able to please people? Then what will motivate you?
c) INTROJECTED REGULATION - You feel bad about yourself when you don't workout. This is a type of motivation, but its based on negative motivations.
d) IDENTIFIED REGULATION - You workout because its good for your health and lifestyle. This is a very positive behavior and will lead to permanent lifestyle changes.
e) INTRINSIC MOTIVATION - You workout because you enjoy it! Probably the best motivation of all.
In my opinion, a combination of the motivations listed in items c through e lead to permanent lifestyle changes (with heavier weight attached to items d and e. And, the motivation listed in item b will probably be mixed in somehow.
Here are 5 tips to improve your weight loss success:
1. Fear of setting goals because of fear of failure. According to experts, setting low goals or no goals means you don't have to live up to high expectations.
2. When you have tried everything and nothing has worked, its easier to just give up. Don't give up. Keep trying. All it takes is the right exercise and nutrition program to help you succeed.
3. You will never reach your weight loss and body toning goals if they are unrealistic. Some of us just don't have the genetic makeup to look like cover models. You can set a goal to look and feel the best that YOU can. That's a realistic goal.
4. Remember, weight loss is about improving your health. In an poll, 65% of site visitors said they were losing weight for appearance. And, only 35% said they were losing weight for health. That's why quick weight loss programs (with no long-term benefits) continue to sell out.
5. You can't be perfect. If you fall off the wagon, get up and start again right away. Consistent (and smart) exercise and healthy eating will give you a healthy, toned body. Period. Don't stop no matter how long it takes!
You can reach your weight loss and fat loss goals! The FREE Program below will help you get started.
Be sure and download your Free Dumbbell and Medicine Ball Metabolic Fat Burner Workouts and start shaping your body faster!
Mark Dilworth, BA, PES
Your Fitness University
My Fitness Hut
Her Fitness Hut
Sports Fitness Hut
Rapid Fat Loss and Six Pack Abs
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