Every serious exerciser needs regular massage therapy. You can't exercise, burn fat and build a lean body if you're injured too much.

Use massage therapy to recover from intense exercise. Getting proper rest is also a big part of recovering from exercise. Your muscles might need 48-72 hours between intense weight training workouts. Young people usually need even more rest between weight training workouts.

Here are 5 reasons you need massage therapy:

1. If you treat your soft tissues (muscles, skin, tendons, etc.) better, you will find that your workouts will be more efficient. You will also be less susceptible to injuries. A tight, rigid and fatigued body is a precursor to certain injury. Find a massage therapist (type) that works for you and your exercise goals.

2. The benefits received from pampering your soft tissues are: improved flexibility, improved circulation, relief of muscle tension and soreness (relaxation) and decreased fatigue/improved recovery.

Massage therapy between workouts will definitely shorten your recovery time and improve exercise performance. You should not do hard exercise after a massage. Wait until the following day to do cardio and weight lifting sessions.

3. Don't forget about self massage. You can perform self massage every day using self myofascial release with foam rolls (SMFR). You can increase the elasticity in your muscles by improving your flexibility. The foam roller is one of the most effective techniques for releasing tension while improving mobility.

Foam rolling exercises will release and organize your muscles, as well as release and align your skeletal system. Muscle injuries such as strains and tears and broken bones can be avoided with proper flexibility and skeletal alignment. You'll immediately feel the effectiveness of SMFR.

4. According to ActiveBodyChiro.com: Active Release Technique® is a type of manual hands-on therapy that corrects soft tissue problems and injuries. Many types of injuries are treated using this technique. Some of the specific injuries that are treated include repetitive strains, adhesions, tissue hypoxia, and joint dysfunction.

The ART® practitioner finds the exact tissue that is injured or causing the problem and then physically works that tissue back to its normal texture, tension and length.

The ART® practitioner also finds muscles and other tissues that have developed adhesions between them. An adhesion, which is basically like scar tissue that builds up between your muscle layers, can act like a glue restricting the normal sliding motions of the various tissue layers.

ART® is used to break apart these adhesions and allow your muscles and nerves to move freely once again. Restoring proper nerve and muscle movement allows your body to perform at its most efficient level.

5. Here are some other massage techniques that may help you:

Swedish Massage - Its purpose is to increase circulation and blood flow. The massage strokes are often in the direction of the heart. Oil or other lotions are used to allow for smooth massage strokes.

Deep Tissue Massage - This type of massage is a favorite among exercisers because it focuses on joints and muscle groups. The massage therapist pinpoints deep layers of the soft tissues to relieve pain or stress.

Neuromuscular Therapy - This type of massage is used to address postural imbalances. The massage is used to reduce pain/tension and strengthen the soft tissues.

Myoskeletal Alignment Technique - Postural distortions are identified and corrected using Proprioceptive Neuromuscular Facilitation (PNF) and myofascial techniques are used to lengthen tight muscles and tone weak or inhibited muscles.

Structural Muscular Balancing - Chronic contraction in the muscles are released through gentle massage techniques.

Use massage therapy as a tool to help you reach your fat loss and fitness goals with as little pain and injury as possible.

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Mark Dilworth, BA, PES
Your Fitness University
My Fitness Hut
Her Fitness Hut
Sports Fitness Hut
Rapid Fat Loss and Six Pack Abs


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