A well-rounded fitness program will give you the strong, lean and healthy body you will need to improve your quality of life.
Here are 10 tips to help you achieve a fit and lean body:
1. Improve Health and Prevent Injuries - The main goals of any exercise program should be to improve health and prevent injuries. Because people are living longer these days, quality of life becomes a big issue. If you take care of your body when you are younger, your body will reward you....Mark, what about my chiseled body and 6-pack abs? That's easy---a well designed fitness program will give you the lean and toned body you want.
2. Fitness and Nutrition Assessment - If you've never had a fitness and nutrition assessment done by a fitness professional, you should have it done. Among other things, it will tell you how much body fat you have and where you need to improve your eating habits to reach your goals.
During the assessment, your trainer will help you set realistic goals and help you visualize how to reach your goals. This will help you persevere when setbacks and disappointments happen along the way toward your lean body.
3. Postural Assessment - Many injuries happen because your posture has dysfunctions that need to be corrected. These postural deficiencies are identified during your fitness assessment.
The structural alignment of your body is called posture. The human movement system (kinetic chain) consists of three independent and interdependent systems: muscular system (functional anatomy), skeletal system (functional biomechanics) and neural system (motor behavior).
These systems must function properly to allow the kinetic chain to maintain structural integrity and operate efficiently. Your central nervous system collects information (sensorimotor integration) from these three systems to maintain neuromuscular control over your body.
If one component of the kinetic chain is out of alignment, patterns of tissue overload and dysfunction will develop. This misalignment, if left uncorrected, will decrease your neuromuscular control and the cumulative injury cycle will begin in your body.
4. Flexibility - Muscle imbalances (including tight and lengthened muscles) also cause many injuries. Your fitness assessment will tell you where your muscles are tight, weak or lengthened.
Full range of motion of the joints is a huge problem for many people. The use of static and dynamic flexibility techniques are a good place to start. Various massage techniques are also needed for your body to function properly.
5. Core Strength - The core is much more than your 6-pack abs. Most people have inadequate core strength. All movement begins with the core so you should strengthen it.
Your body's core consists of the lumbo-pelvic-hip complex, thoracic spine and cervical spine. The shoulder girdle is also involved in core training. The core is your body's center of gravity.
A stronger and more stable core will maximize your extremity strength (limbs) and power (how fast your muscles can exert force). You should work on strengthening your body's core before trying to make significant gains in strength elsewhere, such as your limbs.
A weak core will lead to injuries such as low back pain and a host of other trunk-related problems.
6. Balance - Balance is important to prevent injuries, especially later in life. Your exercise routine needs to include balance exercises on a regular basis.
7. Body Composition - Fat loss is more important than weight loss. Resist the urge to lose pounds as fast as you can and concentrate on changing your body composition (less fat, more muscle mass). It takes longer to get lean, but the results will keep the weight off your body for good.
8. Strength Training - Full body strength training is necessary to increase your muscle mass and speed your metabolism. Full body strength training also corrects your muscle imbalances.
9. Cardio Training - Twenty minute sessions of interval cardio is enough to burn body fat and give you superior heart health. Do 2-3 days a week. Note: If you do only cardio exercise, you will not become lean.
10. Planes of Motion (include training at different speeds and types of contractions) - You must work your body in all 3 planes of motion to get fit. Workout more with dumbbells, medicince balls and bodyweight and less on machines. Among other things, machines limit your natural movement patterns and work you in only 1 plane (sagittal) of motion.
Start building your lean body the right way.
Be sure and download your Free Dumbbell and Medicine Ball Metabolic Fat Burner Workouts and start shaping your body faster!
Mark Dilworth, BA, PES
Your Fitness University
My Fitness Hut
Her Fitness Hut
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Rapid Fat Loss and Six Pack Abs
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