Take 10 minutes today and burn off some body fat......I have made it easy for you with my FREE 10-Minute Fat Burning Workouts!

You don't have to workout for 1-2 hours to get huge fat loss results. Research has proven that short bursts are very effective fat burners.

Have fun working out for 10 minutes and help change your body at the same time. The 10-minute workout will be very tough but effective. It feels great when the tape measures less inches on your butt, hips, legs, arms, chest and neck. This happens when your workouts are effective and your changed eating habits are working.

Here are some ways to use the 10-minute workouts today:

1. Use the heavy or light lifting workout. You can even do two separate 10-minute strength workouts on the same day to give you even more muscle building benefits.

2. Do the bodyweight cardio workout. This will give you strength and cardio benefits. I use this workout the most on weekends.

3. Do a sprint interval cardio workout. You will activate and shape your bulkier, fast twitch muscle fibers (think butt, hips, thighs, etc.) by doing sprint intervals.

These high intensity workouts will help you burn calories and fat during and after your workout. The exercises are challenging and will cause your neuromuscular system to adapt to new training stimuli. This keeps you from plateauing and improves your fat loss and weight loss results.

A slow or sluggish metabolism is not the major cause of weight gain on weekends. A caloric imbalance is the cause of weight gain. If you consistently eat more calories than you burn every day during the weekend (caloric surplus), you will gain weight and fat.

Doing these workouts will keep your fat-burning enzymes active throughout the day. You must continue to transform your body's composition to more muscle and less fat to keep weight loss off for good. That's easier said than done but you must keep fat loss as your main goal. Muscle is metabolically active tissue and your body has to work harder to maintain muscle.

Finally, move as much as you can today....all movement burns calories, so stay active. Don't wait until your workout to get moving.

Here's some pointers to get you moving around all day:

--Walk 20 minutes first thing in the morning, middle of the day or at the end of your day

--Walk to the corner store or walk the dog

--Walk to the park down the street

--Do yardwork and house chores

--If you must go shopping, walk the mall

So, just walk, walk, walk and do your 10-minute workout today!

Download your FREE 10-Minute Fat Burning Workouts now!

Mark Dilworth, BA, PES
Your Fitness University
My Fitness Hut
Her Fitness Hut
Sports Fitness Hut
Rapid Fat Loss and Six Pack Abs


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