If you want to do extra core strength work to burn total body fat, belly fat and build your six pack abs, mix in some core strength exercises on your cardio training day.

Note 1: Always remember that you have to eat right to burn body fat and lose weight. I see many strong, fat people at health clubs. Why? They love to workout consistently but they haven't made the commitment to really change those eating habits! And, that will give you layers of fat covering your muscles.

Note 2: Include these strength exercises in your regular strength training workouts: squats (all variations), deadlift, rows, shoulder press and medicine ball exercises. These exercises work your abs big time.

For example, research shows that the abdominal muscles are engaged more when doing squats than they are doing many of the more popular ab exercises. And, all it takes is bodyweight squats.

Squats require stablization in the body's core muscles in general, not just the abs. The other benefits of squats (strengthens quads, gluteals, hamstrings,etc.) are well known. So, the next time you do squats, brace your torso (like getting ready to take a punch) and work on those abs.

Top Training Method - Interval Cardio/Core Combo Workout

I recommend that you do your cardio session on a separate day than your strength workout because interval cardio drains you. My clients will use this type of workout all the time to vary cardio workouts and burn more abdominal fat and back fat.

A good interval cardio/core workout only takes 30 intense minutes (10 cardio, 10 core, 10 cardio) to complete but it is a proven fat burner. You don't have to do a million ab crunches to see results.

Isometric exercises also work your core and burn fat without much movement.

Isometric exercises are very underrated and are great for building muscles, stabilizing muscles, building strength, improving power and burning fat.

Isometric contractions can be described as a type of muscle contraction where your muscles develop tension without changing length. For example, pushing against a wall and holding for 30 seconds causes an isometric contraction.

You should strength train your muscles with all contraction types (eccentric, isometric, concentric). All muscles function eccentrically (reduces force or deceleration), isometrically (stabilizes force) and concentrically (produces force).

Isometric exercises cause most if not all of your muscles to work during an exercise. The stability ball plank exercise (pictured above) is a great example. To do the plank, you get into position and hold for a period of time (like 20 seconds). So, many core exercises are great isometric exercises.

So, here are some good isometric bodyweight exercises:

1. Deep Knee Bends and Hold 10 seconds

2. Stability Ball Plank, 20 second hold

3. Bridge, 20 second hold

4. Pushup and Hold 20 seconds

5. Side Plank, 10 repetitions each side, 10 second hold

6. Captain Chair Knee Ups and Hold 10 seconds

7. Ab Curl Ups and Hold 20 seconds

If you do interval cardio workouts on treadmill:

--Run fast, 1 minute
--Walk, 1.5 minutes
--Do this rotation for 10 minutes

If you run intervals outdoors on grass or astro-play turf:

--Sprint 60 yards
--Walk back to starting line
--Sprint 60 yards
--Do this rotation for 10 minutes

Running outdoors is much tougher because you do all the work and you have to go against wind and generate your own momentum. My preference is to exercise outdoors. You don't need a gym membership. You can do this program at home or anywhere you like.

And, remember, it does no good to burn 500 calories if you later eat 1,000 calories. In other words, you have to keep up with your nutrition goals or no workout will give you the results you want.

Try a cardio/core workout and burn more fat!

Be sure and download your Free Bodyweight 500 Metabolic Fat Burner Workouts and start shaping your body faster!

Mark Dilworth, BA, PES
Your Fitness University
My Fitness Hut
Her Fitness Hut
Sports Fitness Hut
Rapid Fat Loss and Six Pack Abs


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