By David Grisaffi, CHEK Corrective Exercise Kinesiologist Golf Biomechanic Certified Nutrition and Lifestyle Coach Wh...
Stubborn Fat: Does it affect you? Part One
By David Grisaffi, CHEK Corrective Exercise Kinesiologist Golf Biomechanic Certified Nutrition and Lifestyle Coach Ev...
Spring Renewal--10 Tips to Shape Up Your Mind and Body
Spring is a great time to renew yourself. The weather is warmer, the sun is shining more, the grass is greener, trees and flowers are bloo...
Burn More Ab Fat with Top Training Method
If you want to do extra core strength work to burn total body fat, belly fat and build your six pack abs, mix in some core strength exercise...
NaturaPause -- The Natural Hormone Solution For Men And Women
Product Review: NaturaPause -- The Natural Hormone Solution For Men And Women Jon Benson Fitness Reviewed by Mark Dilworth, BA, PES When mo...
Does High Blood Pressure Wreck Sexual Drive?
Anyone with a history of high blood pressure in their family knows what devastation it can wreak. It carries with it a mishmash of health...
5 Reasons Quick Weight Loss Leads to Weight Gain
There's not a good reason to ever try a "quick weight loss only diet" or "fad diet." Why? Because you will end up ...
Poverty And Obesity: A New Study Finds A Remarkable Connection
While the rich and the affluent still face many of the problems that come with the "king's lifestyle", a new pattern is emergi...
Medicine Ball Interval Cardio Torches Body Fat
Medicine ball interval cardio is very intense exercise and burns fat like crazy. You won't get bored doing medicine ball cardio but yo...
Apply Fat Burning Tips in Your Workouts and Shape Up
What good is fat burning information if you don't apply it in your workouts? I can't count how many people have asked me for advice ...
Top 10 Marathoner's Foot Injury Prevention List
Marathon runners seem to be everywhere these days. More and more people are taking on the challenge of running a half marathon (13.1 miles)...
Transform Your Body Faster with Complex Strength Training
Shape and tone (transform) your body better and faster with complex strength training. Do you have less time to workout these days? Me too...
25 Eating Tips to Help Fat Burning and Weight Management
Those of you who have succeeded with fat loss and weight management have a healthy, managed eating plan that you comply with on most days. ...
Your Spring Break Timesaver Workout
Here's a good, short fat-burning workout for you to do this spring break. Everyone is busy during spring break. So, you need short, effe...
Burn Fat, Manage Weight with activeNETWORK
Keep moving, stay more active, burn fat and manage your weight with the help of activeNETWORK . activeNETWORK is the leading online communi...
Short Fat Loss Workouts that Change Your Body
If you aren't burning fat during your workout, something's wrong. You may need to change your thought process about how you do your...
30-Minute, Fat Burning Monday Superset Workout
A tough, 30-minute, fat burning workout is a great way to get your Monday going--especially if you didn't workout over the weekend! Yo...