Adjust your grocery list, clean out your pantry and your eating habits will improve.

If you are having trouble with problem foods, try this trick:

Give up one bad eating habit a week. You could start with cutting excess sugar from your diet. For example, replace sodas and sugary fruit drinks with water and unsweetened tea. This one change will cut huge amounts of calories and body fat. The replacement method will make your diet changes more practical and less overwhelming.
But, you will still need to try and comply with your total meal plan at least 90% of the time.

Eating healthier is a challenge for many of us due to bad habits developed over a long time.

This is a comment posted by "Any Wife:"

"Great idea, except my problem would be that I could make it one week omitting or decreasing the intack of say sugar, but the next week when say I decided to increase my fiber intack I would start with the sugar again."

Any Wife, this is a problem that most people have when it comes to stopping bad eating habits. Here are some tips to try:

1) Get an accountability partner (such as a friend, workout partner or personal trainer) to hold you accountable to your exercise and nutrition goals.

2) Keep a daily food journal to track your intended goals and actual eating patterns. Review and recommit to every nutrition goal every week. Once you get good at knowing what, how much and when to eat, you can stop keeping the journal.

3) Replace your "bad food" item that you like with a "good food" item that you also like. I like sugary, high-calorie juice drinks but I also like unsugared fruit juices, which is a better choice. Likewise, replace something like ice cream with low-calorie smoothies. I think you get the idea. When you eat something you like, you are more likely to continue eating the healthier, low-calorie food choice.

4) Reward yourself every few days or once a week when you "stick to your nutrition plan." Having a small, sugary treat (or fill in the blank) will not hurt your nutrition plan.

Or, use promo codes for household items and save on other kinds of rewards.

5) You may need to start throwing away all the bad foods in your pantry and replacing them with healthy replacements.

6) Set your daily calorie intake based on your basal metabolic rate, activity level and goals. This way, you won't eat too much or too little.

Maintaining the right amount of calorie deficit (burning more calories than you consume) on most days is the key to burning fat and losing weight. For instance, if you eat 1,200 calories a day for too long, your body will store fat as a survival mechanism. It thinks you are starving.

7) Above all else, recommit yourself every day to your exercise and nutrition goals because its what you really want to do. Some call it willpower. You'll be healthier and happier.

Start taking these steps today to help you change your eating habits and burn more fat.

-Cathering Ebeling and Mike Geary are co-authors of the popular ebook, Fat-Burning Kitchen, which shows you how to totally revamp your kitchen to make your body a fat-burning machine!

Mark Dilworth, BA, PES
Your Fitness University
My Fitness Hut
Her Fitness Hut
Sports Fitness Hut
Rapid Fat Loss and Six Pack Abs


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