Weight loss and fat loss is about what you really want. How badly do you want to have a healthy, lean body? Will you follow an exercise and nutrition program to reach your goals? Will you keep trying even if you have some failures along the way? With some help, you can have the body of your dreams---if you really want it!
We are motivated by different things. Read my article about motivation.
One type of motivation is Identified Regulation. This type of motivation comes from within you--you want the best health and a quality lifestyle. You care about you and want to take care of you. This type of positive motivation leads to lasting changes.
It takes perseverance to burn fat because its harder to achieve and takes more time. When you burn fat, it leads to permanent weight loss. It takes no perseverance to go on some quick weight loss program (which won't work).
Will you cut calories, eat healthy, burn fat and lose weight the right way? Will you follow a plan and make adjustments as you go to reach your goals? Will you?
This takes more than 2 weeks time! Experts agree that you are better off making manageable changes to your diet and workout routine. Some of your eating and workout (or no workouts) habits have been developed over a lifetime.
For example, severely limiting sugars from your diet would be a great start. Drink water instead of sodas and sugary drinks. Just this one change will slash tons of calories every day. And, you will be on your way to burning dangerous belly fat.
Make YOU a priority and YOU will change your body to lean and toned!
Be sure and download your Free Dumbbell and Medicine Ball Metabolic Fat Burner Workouts and start shaping your body faster!
Mark Dilworth, BA, PES
Your Fitness University
My Fitness Hut
Her Fitness Hut
Sports Fitness Hut
Rapid Fat Loss and Six Pack Abs
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