Advertisements that promise quick weight loss without diet or exercise are misleading.

Wouldn’t it be nice if — as the ads claim — you could lose weight simply by taking a pill, wearing a patch, or rubbing in a cream? Too bad claims like that are always false. Doctors, dieticians, and fitness experts agree that the best way to lose weight is to eat higher quality calories and increase your physical activity.

Here, then, according to the FTC (Federal Trade Commission) are the 7 most misleading claims made in Weight Loss Ads:

"LOSE WEIGHT WITHOUT DIET OR EXERCISE!" Achieving a healthy weight takes work. Take a pass on any product that promises miraculous results without the effort. Buy one and the only thing you’ll lose is money.

"LOSE WEIGHT NO MATTER HOW MUCH YOU EAT OF YOUR FAVORITE FOODS!" Beware of any product that claims that you can eat all you want of high-calorie foods and still lose weight. Losing weight requires sensible food choices. Filling up on healthy vegetables and fruits can make it easier to say no to fattening sweets and snacks.

"LOSE WEIGHT PERMANENTLY! NEVER DIET AGAIN!" Even if you’re successful in taking the weight off, permanent weight loss requires permanent lifestyle changes. Don’t trust any product that promises once-and-for-all results without ongoing maintenance.

"BLOCK THE ABSORPTION OF FAT, CARBS, OR CALORIES!" Doctors, dieticians, and other experts agree that there is simply no magic non-prescription pill that will allow you to block the absorption of fat, carbs, or calories. The key to curbing your craving for those " downfall foods" is portion control. Limit yourself to a smaller serving or a slimmer slice.

"LOSE 30 POUNDS IN 30 DAYS!" Losing weight is really all about losing body-fat and learning how to keep it off. At best, products promising lightning-fast weight loss are false. At worst, they can ruin your health.

"EVERYBODY WILL LOSE WEIGHT!" Your habits and health concerns are unique. There is simply no one-size-fits-all product guaranteed to work for everyone. Team up with your fitness professional to design a personalized nutrition and exercise program suited to your lifestyle and metabolism.

"LOSE WEIGHT WITH OUR MIRACLE DIET PATCH OR CREAM!" You’ve seen the ads for diet patches or creams that claim to melt away the pounds. Don’t believe them. There’s nothing you can wear or apply to your skin that will cause you to lose weight.

Make fitness a lifetime commitment and you will reap the health benefits! And, you will look your best!

Be sure and download your Free Bodyweight 500 Metabolic Fat Burner Workouts and start shaping your body faster!

Mark Dilworth, BA, PES
Your Fitness University
My Fitness Hut
Her Fitness Hut
Sports Fitness Hut
Rapid Fat Loss and Six Pack Abs


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