Bodyweight strength workouts burn fat and allow you to use natural body motions. You don't need exercise machines. Machines limit your natural range of motion. Try doing a squat on the Smith Machine and see how natural that feels.

To be fair, machine workouts can be beneficial for beginners. But, even beginners should not stay with the machines for too long. Why? Because machines also stabilize your body for you. You need to develop strength that allows your body to stabilize itself. Also, no two people have the same exact motions.

Enter in bodyweight strength exercises. These types of exercises allow you to train in all 3 planes of motion (machines usually limit you to training in 1 plane of motion--sagittal).

I don't even recommend doing cardio exercise on machines. Cardio machines do alot of the work for you. Personally, running on cardio machines bores me to tears! Try doing sprint cardio intervals outside on grass and see how tough it is to fight against gravity, ground forces and the elements. You are forced to generate all the momentum and force.

Doing bodyweight strength exercises and cardio exercise on grass will give you more calorie burn, more fat burn and will tone your body faster than doing the same exercises on machines. Oh yeah, another benefit---YOU DON'T NEED A GYM MEMBERSHIP. You can do these types of workouts at home, at the park or at the school yard. And, you save travel time to and from the gym.

Forget the gym memberships and try bodyweight workouts at home.

Be sure and download your Free Bodyweight 500 Metabolic Fat Burner Workouts and start shaping your body faster!

Mark Dilworth, BA, PES
Your Fitness University
My Fitness Hut
Her Fitness Hut
Sports Fitness Hut
Rapid Fat Loss and Six Pack Abs


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