You can have more fat loss by increasing exercise-induced growth hormone. Yes, your body can produce more growth hormone without any illegal drugs. Growth hormone is important for building muscle and burning fat.

Intense circuit weight training and interval cardio workouts will increase your body's growth hormone. Research has also proven that the benefits of anaerobic exercise (like sprint interval cardio) is superior to aerobic exercise for fitness and heart health.

The progression of your cardio exercise should be low-intensity aerobics to moderate/high-intensity aerobics to high-intensity anaerobic exercise. Rest 20 minutes between sessions if you do weight training and cardio during the same workout.

Doing a second workout during the day (even a short one) keeps growth hormone levels high throughout the day. This will give you even more fat burning.

According to research, growth hormone in your adult body works great to produce the fat-burning results you want.

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