If you're having trouble toning your butt, hips and thighs then you need to do more squat jump exercises in your workouts.
If you are into sports, squat jumps will also help to increase your speed and power for sports like track and field, soccer, lacrosse, tennis and basketball.
To do the squat jump, descend into your squat, swing your arms back and forward and jump up explosively (reaching upward with your arms) and repeat for the required repetitions.
It is important to learn proper jumping and landing techniques before doing squat jumps. If you have knee and low back problems, high-speed squat jumps are not for you.
If you need bodyweight workouts that you can start at your own level, check out the Free download below (it has beginner, intermediate and advanced levels):
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Mark Dilworth, BA, PES
Your Fitness University
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