Consuming too much alcohol can cause you to gain body fat and weight. You need to know how your body responds to alcohol when you take a drink.

First, one gram of alcohol provides 7 calories. Only fat (9 cal/g) provides more calories than alcohol. So, when you are planning your food and drink consumption, don't forget the calories from alcohol!

When you take a drink of alcohol, your body converts a small amount of it into fat and the rest is converted (by the liver) into a substance called acetate. This acetate is then quickly released into the bloodstream and used as the body's main source of energy. So, your body is using the acetate as energy instead of the stored fat in your body. The more you drink, the more fat your body will store (many times belly fat)!

Added to this problem is the fact that alcohol consumption can increase your appetite. Researchers from Denmark found that a group of men ate more when they were served beer or wine and they ate less when served a soft drink. Just think of all the high-calorie meals served with alcohol at a place like a sports bar!

One more thing: too much alcohol consumption can decrease your testosterone production. Decreased testosterone levels has a negative effect on muscle building.

If you choose to drink alcohol, one or two drinks once a week probably won't affect your weight loss and fat loss. But, if you consume several alcoholic drinks a day, your body is storing excess body fat! You will have a tough time keeping or achieving that lean and toned body you want! Drinking water and unsweetened drinks will help you reach your goals sooner.

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