Do the farmer's walk exercise by picking up a dumbbell in each hand. Pick up the dumbbells by deadlifting them (to protect your back) or lifting them from the weight rack. Hold each dumbbell with your arms extended by your sides and walk.
If you are doing the farmer's walk exercise to improve maximal strength, you will use heavy dumbbells. The combined weight of the dumbbells should be about equal to your body weight. You may have to work your way up to this amount of weight by improving your deadlift, squat and grip strength. Grip strength can be improved by lifting with thick barbells, doing plate pinches or squeezing hand grippers.
Walk about 10-15 yards, stop and set the dumbbells down or let them drop. Rest for 1-2 minutes and walk back. That is 1 repetition. Use good upright posture and look straight ahead while walking! Never lean forward or jut your head forward while walking.
If you are trying to build serious strength, work up to walking with each dumbbell being equal to your bodyweight weight (or more).
If you are trying to improve endurance strength, do the farmer's walk with lighter dumbbells. Experiment with the dumbbell weight amount so you are challenged. The distance would be increased to 30-40 yards. To challenge yourself more, do timed farmer's walk intervals.
Add the farmer's walk exercise to your routine!
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Mark Dilworth, BA, PES
Your Fitness University
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