Eat enough to build muscle and burn fat. You do this by following your meal plan based on your basal metabolic rate and level of daily activity. You won't get consistent muscle growth without eating enough calories---consistently!!

Don't be so concerned about weight loss that you fail to eat enough! You need to build muscle which will speed up your metabolism, burn fat and keep the weight off! The weight will stay off because you will eventually have that lean and toned body. Fuel your body throughout the day with consistent meals every 3-4 hours. This will give you enough energy to live and workout!

If you want your muscles to grow, FEED YOUR MUSCLES CONSISTENTLY! Just lifting weights is not enough to grow your muscles and become lean and muscular! And, on the days you do lift weights, its best to eat before and after your workout. Read my post on Pre- and Post-Workout Nutrition.

And, you know my take on supplements: try to get the nutrition you need from food. Save your money! Don't depend on supplements to significantly build your body up and burn fat!

And, to stop your muscles from breaking down (catabolizing) while you sleep 7-8 hours, a healthy night-time snack or protein drink before you go to sleep is needed. When your body is fasting, your muscles will take the hit. Just ALWAYS remember to follow your meal plan!

Be sure and download your Free Dumbbell and Medicine Ball Metabolic Fat Burner Workouts and start shaping your body faster!

Mark Dilworth, BA, PES
Your Fitness University
My Fitness Hut
Her Fitness Hut
Sports Fitness Hut
Rapid Fat Loss and Six Pack Abs


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