Try a power exercise workout 1 time a week to start out and you will burn more fat during and after your workout! Make your whole workout one power exercise after the other! The ultimate advanced level workout! Its definitely not for beginners! And, all it takes is 45 minutes to 1 hour! You might need 2 days to recover!
Remember that power is the ability to exert maximum muscle force in the shortest amount of time (rate-of-force production). Because power exercises are so intense and done full speed, they are great for burning body fat.
Among other benefits, power exercises recruit more muscle fibers (mainly fast-twitch bulky fibers) more frequently which helps the fat-burning process. Recruiting your fast-twitch muscle fibers during your workouts will give you a more lean, toned looking body.
Here is a power workout that I have done frequently (do all exercises at full speed with little or no rest between exercises):
Warmup - Jump rope, 3 minutes; Butt Kickers, 2 minutes
Sprints - 8/60 yards each (sprint, walk back and immediately sprint again)
Medicine Ball Chops - 10 repetitions each side
Power Step Ups - 10 repetitions each leg
Push Ups - 20 repetitions
Squat Jumps or Mountain Climbers - 10 repetitions
Bentover Rows - 10 repetitions
Rest 3 minutes and repeat circuit.
There are plenty of other power exercises you could choose. Try it sometime!
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Mark Dilworth, BA, PES
Your Fitness University
My Fitness Hut
Her Fitness Hut
Sports Fitness Hut
Rapid Fat Loss and Six Pack Abs
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