Late night eating can add unwanted pounds to your physique---depending on how much you eat during the entire day. Late night eating will not, in and of itself, automatically make you gain weight.

If you consistently eat more calories than you burn (caloric surplus), you will consistently gain weight and add on body fat, no matter when you eat.

If you do eat a late night dinner, think about what you have already eaten that day. This will help you stay on track with your daily caloric intake goals. So, high-fat fast food is probably not a good idea for your late night dinner. The same goes for late night snacks---it all adds up, no matter when you eat it. If you like sugary snacks, the calories can add up fast and get out of control.

Personally, I will usually eat a light late night dinner (if I happen to eat late) like tuna and a salad. And, a late night snack will be something like popcorn, nuts or fruit. For me, its easier to sleep on a "light stomach."

You should know how many calories you need each day. Start by learning your basal metabolic rate (how many calories you would burn if you did nothing all day). You must maintain a daily caloric deficit in order to lose weight and burn fat. If you exercise regularly, it will be easier for you to achieve your caloric deficit.

Keep track of how much you eat during the day, whether its early eating or late night eating! Doing this will help you control your weight gain.

Eat These 3 Foods to Burn More Belly Fat

Mark Dilworth, BA, PES
Your Fitness University
My Fitness Hut
Her Fitness Hut
Sports Fitness Hut
Rapid Fat Loss and Six Pack Abs


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