Limiting fat loss ab exercises to only 5 is tough but I will do it.

You will get the sculpted, toned abs that you want and you won't walk around like a stiff robot. You will build those abs for every day movements. We all kneel, stand, walk and run, so your abs and overall body strength and stability should be trained for you to live an active life every day.

So, based on that information, here are my Top 5 Fat Loss Ab Exercises:

1. Plank on Ball (rotate plank variations). These are important for foundational core strength. Variations include side planks, planks with leg lift, plank with hip abduction, etc.

2. Ab Ball Rollout/Ab Ball Jackknife. Do these exercises as a superset.

3. Hanging Leg Raises. This exercise belongs in any top 5 ab list.

4. Medicine Ball Diagonal Chop (also with knee lift)/Medicine Ball Front Chop. Do these exercises as a superset. These are important exercises to build core strength with movements used in every day life.

5. Medicine Ball Rotational Throw. This is another exercise that builds core strength with movements used in every day life.

Note: My apologies to bird dogs, supermans, cobras, burpees, mountain climbers, thrusters and back extensions! These are all great core exercises that you should do.

If you need bodyweight workouts that you can start at your own level, check out the Free download below (it has beginner, intermediate and advanced levels):

Free Bodyweight 500 Metabolic Fat Burner Workouts. Start shaping your body faster!

Mark Dilworth, BA, PES
Your Fitness University
My Fitness Hut
Her Fitness Hut
Sports Fitness Hut
Rapid Fat Loss and Six Pack Abs


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