REFOCUS your fat loss and weight loss goals...the mid-point of the year is a good time to do this (really, every week is a good time)....An...
Half-Way To Your Fitness Goals After 6 Months?
Are you making any progress with your fitness, health, fat loss and weight loss goals after 6 months of exercise this year? Is your health b...
Beach Workout In The Sand
If you're hanging out at the beach alot this summer, here's a good fat-burning workout for you: Do one exercise after the other with...
Why Do Cardio Exercise?
Why do cardio ? Get the right answer and your fat loss frustrations will end! The goal for cardio exercise should be to improve heart he...
Exercise And Eat Right During Summer Travel
Everything is looser in the summer so keeping up with exercise and eating right is a huge challenge! Since the clothes are looser, you want...
Do Low Carb Diets Work?
Do low carb diets work? A better question would be: What are you trying to accomplish with your low carb diet? If you're trying to lo...
Top 5 Fat Loss Ab Exercises
Limiting fat loss ab exercises to only 5 is tough but I will do it. You will get the sculpted, toned abs that you want and you won't wa...
Top 5 Fat Loss Strength Exercises
Strength exercises for fat loss should focus on maximizing your time at the gym... build more lean muscle mass to speed up your metabolism a...
Top 5 Common Sense Fat Loss Tips
Like alot of things in life, fat loss comes down to you applying common sense like: 1. If you severely limit candy, donuts, cookies, sugary ...
Top 5 Fat Loss Cardio Workouts
You can do my top 5 fat loss cardio workouts in 20 minutes as interval cardio....each workout will burn fat like crazy! 1. Run sprint int...
Top 5 Fat Loss Snacks
One sure way to blow up your meal plan is to snack your way to excess pounds....what you eat between main meals can make the difference in y...
Top 5 Metabolism Boosters For Fat Loss
If you want permanent fat loss, you have to continually boost your metabolism .... metabolism is basically the rate at which your body burns...