You know that cardio bores me to I keep it short, fast and tough to get max benefit (calorie burn, fat burn, body sculpting).......
Burn More Fat---Stay Active Between Workouts
A big part of the My Fitness Hut Fat Blaster Athletic Training System is for you to stay as active as possible when you aren't working o...
Long, Low-Intensity Workouts Will Give Small Results
A guy at the gym asked me last week, "how do I burn off this belly fat, low back fat and get ripped?" My quick answer to him (I ...
Reach Your Fat Loss Goals
Some people don't reach their fat loss goals because they never set fat loss goals (or the goals are unrealistic)! Part of the first fi...
Social Support Make Bootcamps Popular
Bootcamps work because of your hard work and the SOCIAL SUPPORT you get from them.... social support is a leading indicator that you will st...
Interval Cardio---Uphill!
Okay, here is a good cardio routine to break up the "boredom" of doing the same thing over and over....I did this interval cardio ...
Kindergarten Taught You About Fat-Burning
How does the saying go? Everything you ever needed to know, you learned in kindergarten....or something like that.... You learned alot abou...
Burn More Fat With Simple Exercise....Sprinting!
You don't have to be fast.....just run as fast as you can and that is your sprint! You're not trying to win a race, you're tryin...
Burn More Body Fat By Cutting Sugary Drinks
Cut out sugary sodas and sweet drinks (including sweet fruit juices)...try it for a week and see how much fat you lose in your gut! Take th...
Fat-Burning Cardio Technique
You know that cardio bores me to tears so I have to keep it is a research-proven cardio technique that works to burn mo...
Burn More Fat With Shorter Workouts
A woman asked me last week why she wasn't making any progress on her fat loss and weight loss .....after asking her a few questions, I f...
Fat-Burning Workout, Post-Super Bowl
Remember those "bookend workouts" you were going to do on Saturday and Monday? I know you did your Saturday workout, so here'...