The biggest culprit is probably sodas. Face it, sodas taste great or they wouldn't sell. Nutritionists believe sodas (and sugary drinks) are like liquid poison. They are right! Read my post about high-fructose corn syrup! The double jeopardy is that soda adds calories without making you feel full (empty calories).
According to government data, sweetened soft drinks add about 10 percent of the calories in the typical American's diet.
Dr. David Ludwig, a Harvard endocrinologist, who is widely cited by obesity researchers, says that sweetened drinks are the only specific food that clinical research has directly linked to weight gain. "Highly concentrated starches and sugars promote overeating, and the granddaddy of them all is sugar-sweetened beverages," said Ludwig, who runs the Optimal Weight for Life Program at Children's Hospital in Boston.
The increase in soda consumption mirrors this nation's obesity epidemic. At the midpoint of the 20th century, Americans drank four times as much milk as sodas. Today, this trend is almost totally reversed, according to the U.S. Department of Agriculture. In the past 30 years, the national obesity rate has more than doubled, and among teenagers, more than tripled, reports the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.
On a gut level, we already knew this information about sweetened drinks. But, it helps for us to read it and "digest it." Start today by replacing sodas and sweetened drinks with water and unsweetened drinks, like tea. Some people drink as many as 6 sodas a day! Imagine the calories that could be cut and the relief your kidneys will feel when you cut out the sugary drinks!
Do you need help with meal planning? Don't wait until January to do something about your eating habits! Start taking steps now!
-Cathering Ebeling and Mike Geary are co-authors of the popular ebook, Fat-Burning Kitchen, which shows you how to totally revamp your kitchen to make your body a fat-burning machine!
Mark Dilworth, BA, PES
Your Fitness University
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