It's true that women and men tend to store body fat in different places. Women’s bodies (because of necessary genetics) have twice the amount lipogenic (fat storing) enzymes and half the amount of lipolytic (fat releasing) enzymes as men’s bodies. This has to be taken into account when exercise programs are designed.

Women tend to store stubborn fat in the buttocks, hips (saddle bags), thighs and the back of the upper arms (grandmother arms). Men tend to store stubborn fat in the abdominal area (pot belly and spare tire) and back area. Excess abdominal fat has been shown to be a pre-curser to diseases such as cancer.

Subcutaneous Fat - Subcutaneous fat is found just underneath the skin and may cause dimpling and cellulite.

Visceral Fat - Visceral fat is located in the abdomen and vital organs (such as the liver). It can also infiltrate your muscles and heart. Even if you are skinny, you can have visceral fat.

A “skinny fat” person is one who is skinny with high body fat. Studies have shown that frequent yo-yo dieting increases visceral fat. Yo-yo dieters also regain the lost weight (and even more) because yo-yo diets slow down your metabolism.

So, what is the best way to burn both types of fat? You guessed right.....Exercise!

Research and my personal experience as an exerciser and personal trainer proves that a combination of full-body circuit weight training (including bodyweight training) and high intensity interval cardio training is best for optimal fat-burning, muscle strength/endurance, cardio-respiratory health and bone density benefits.

Be sure and download your Free Bodyweight 500 Metabolic Fat Burner Workouts and start shaping your body faster!

Mark Dilworth, BA, PES
Your Fitness University
My Fitness Hut
Her Fitness Hut
Sports Fitness Hut
Rapid Fat Loss and Six Pack Abs


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