You have heard this saying: "You get out of it what you put into it." This is certainly true when it comes to the health benefits received from regular exercise (you actually get more than you put into it). These are some benefits of just 30 minutes of daily exercise activity like walking, jogging, biking, dancing or swimming:
1. Lost Weight
2. Reduced Body Fat
3. Lower LDL Levels (bad cholesterol)
4. Lower Blood Pressure
5. Improved Heart Function
6. Reduced Risk of Chronic Diseases such as diabetes, cancer and heart disease
7. Improved Appearance and Boost of Self-Esteem
8. Increased Energy
9. Reduced Healthcare Costs
Do you have a spare 30 minutes in your day? Of course you do! Go ahead and get started! Walk around the neighborhood for 30 minutes every day and before you know it you will progress to running and lifting weights also!
Be sure and download your Free Bodyweight 500 Metabolic Fat Burner Workouts and start shaping your body faster!
Mark Dilworth, BA, PES
Your Fitness University
My Fitness Hut
Her Fitness Hut
Sports Fitness Hut
Rapid Fat Loss and Six Pack Abs
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