Cutting calories, eating healthy, burning fat and losing weight can be a confusing process for you. It doesn't have to be that way. Y...
Reach Weight Loss Goals With Focus
Begin to reach your weight loss goals with focus and smarter workouts. REFOCUS your fat loss and weight loss goals. Now is always the bes...
Blood Type Diet For Weight Loss?
Don't depend on a blood type diet to lose weight . The blood type diet has no evidence to prove that it is any better or worse for wei...
Interval Cardio Cross Training Burns Fat
Interval cardio cross training will burn more fat and keep you from getting bored! Cardio is a naturally monotonous exercise that can bo...
Burn Calories All Day
Burn calories all day --this is one key to burning fat , losing weight and maintaining weight. Stay active as much as possible and you wi...
Get In Shape With The Right Training
"Get in shape" by using the right training methods. You can't just start lifting weights and running with no guidance. This...
Burning Stubborn Body Fat
Where are your stubborn body fat areas? Here are some common body fat areas that are sometimes hard to lose: belly fat, butt/hips/thighs ...
Fast Cardio Burns Fat
Fast cardio workouts are intense and burns tons of fat. You won't get bored doing fast cardio workouts but you will be exhausted! If ...
20 Day Weight Loss Only Goals Fail
A “20-day weight loss only” goal is a short-term fix for your weight problem and will not ultimately help you attain your goals! Establish...
Top 10 Runners' Foot Injury Prevention List
If you are a dedicated runner, you are at risk for more foot injuries than the average exerciser. Prevention of injuries is always best. I...
Anterior Tibialis Stretch Helps Shins
Keep your anterior tibialis muscles flexible to avoid pain (cramps, soreness) and even shin splints . If you train for races like 5Ks, 10K...
Lose Weight With 20-Minute Workouts
You can burn fat and lose weight working out 20 minutes a day. Granted, your 20-minute workouts need to be intense and targeted but it ca...