Cardio , ah, cardio....there is so much said about it....first, any activity that makes you burn calories is good.....the controversy comes...
Movement Burns Calories
All movement burns calories , so get moving already! Matter of fact, don't wait until your workout to get moving! Every burned calorie...
Restart Your Exercise With Start of School
Today, school starts again for many...why not restart your exercise routine today also? The best day to start exercising again is TODAY! S...
Intense Workouts Give You More Progress
Ramp up the intensity of your workouts to get more progress with your fat loss and weight loss! Usually, its easier to lose weight at the b...
Bloating Feels Gross, Get Rid Of It!
Bloating feels gross so do what it takes to get rid of it! Eat more of the right kinds of foods to get rid of bloating.... Foods that are h...
I Didn't Get Enough Sleep And....
I didn't get enough sleep last night and its causing all kinds of problems like: 1. decreased energy, 2. constant cravings for sugary fo...
Your Grocery List
Your grocery list is one of the big keys to you succeeding with your fat loss and weight loss. Prepare your grocery list at the beginning o...
Short, Effective Cardio Workouts
You know that cardio bores me to I keep it short, fast and tough to get max benefit (calorie burn, fat burn, body sculpting).......
Upper Body Muscle Imbalances Cause Injuries
Upper body muscle imbalances are almost a certainty with any new client that I other words, the frontside of the upper body is usua...
30-Minute Friday Circuit Workout
Here is a great little 30-minute Friday circuit workout for you....its been a long week and you just need a workout to energize you for the ...
Eating On The Run
" Eating on the run" doesn't have to be a disaster for your waistline and shapely figure! "Eating on the run" beco...
Be The Biggest Fat Loser
Your goal should be to be the biggest fat loser. Losing huge amounts of weight can be gained back quickly if you don't build muscle mas...