There are many great abdominal exercises such as ab ball curl ups, captain's chair knee-ups/leg raises and hanging leg raises. There ar...
Running On A Treadmill Or In A 10K Run? You Need Good Mechanics
If you want to improve your running efficiency or running speed, you must first master the basic mechanics of running. I see many people ...
Prevention Of Hamstring Injuries Is The Best Cure
There are few injuries as bothersome and harder to recover from than hamstring injuries. Prevention of hamstring injuries is the best solut...
Shape Up Your Glutes, 3
In this part of the glutes series, I will detail the functions of the gluteus maximus, gluteus medius and gluteus minimus. First, understan...
Have High Blood Pressure? Be Careful With Energy Drinks!
If you don't know my take on dietary supplements by now, then here it is again---GET THE NUTRITION AND ENERGY YOU NEED FROM FOOD CONSUMP...
Lose Fat Weight, Not Muscle Weight!
Burning more calories every day will help you reach your fitness goals sooner. Body composition is the key to physical fitness. Stated ano...
Shape Up Your Glutes, 2
When you talk about shaping up your glutes, you need to know your body type. Because of your genetic makeup, you are predisposed to respond ...
Shape Up Your Glutes, 1
When doing a fitness assessment, one of the questions that I ask a woman client is this: What are the areas of your body that you would lik...
Slow The Effects Of Aging With Stretching And Exercise
As you age, your muscles tighten and range of motion in the joints is reduced. This hinders active lifestyles and even normal day-to-day mot...
What Happens To Fat Cells When You Lose Weight?
Have you had success losing weight and body fat? Good for you! But you need to know something---your fat cells are still there, but they h...
Beware of Waist and Hip Measurements
A fitness assessment is performed by a professional trainer before you start your exercise program. One of the critical measurements taken i...
You Should Exercise Using More Than One Plane of Motion
In order to properly train your body during exercise, you will have to get off of the machines at some point! It is important to remember ...
Exercise Technique Article Series, 12
The Pushups On The Stability Ball exercise is superior to regular pushups because you engage many more muscles, including the critical core...
Exercise Technique Article Series, 11
The Opposite Arm Opposite Leg Raise is a great core exercise with special emphasis on strengthening the low back. Low back pain affects ne...
Exercise Technique Article Series, 10
As I have discussed previously, it is critical that you stabilize and strengthen your core area. A strong core lays the foundation for fut...
Avoid New Year's Resolution Burnout!
Many times, our New Year’s fitness resolution dies because we are not realistic about our goals. It has been proven that you will be more ...