Core training is very important---actually it is the foundation for all other fitness training. "Six-pack" abdominals are a small...
Exercise Technique Article Series, 8
Middle-aged and older adults can definitely benefit from anaerobic exercise. Traditional lower-intensity aerobic exercise on treadmills, bi...
Exercise Technique Article Series, 7
Cardio exercise doesn't have to be aerobic. Aerobic exercise is an activity that is done continuously for more than 2 straight minutes....
Exercise Technique Article Series, 6
The stability ball is one of the most versatile and cost effective pieces of exercise equipment. You can take it with you and do exercises ...
Exercise Technique Article Series, 5
You can accomplish your cardio workout goal in 20 minutes per session by increasing and varying the intensity. It is called High Intensity ...
Exercise Technique Article Series, 4
The deadlift exercise is probably seen as a grunting, strongman contest type exercise, but it should be a part of your training program. It...
Exercise Technique Article Series, 3
The row exercise has many variations. I will cover the seated row exercise. For many, too little time is spent on strengthening the back m...
Exercise Technique Article Series, 2
The squat exercise (with or without weights) should be a part of your workout regimen. It is an exercise that requires leg strength, core s...
Exercise Technique Article Series, 1
During this article series, I will concentrate on showing you how to do exercises correctly. One of things I see most as a trainer is peop...
Flexibility Article Series, 4
In part 4 of this series, I will cover rehabilitative flexibility. The initial recovery period from a serious injury begins with you worki...
Flexibility Article Series, 3
When the average person thinks about flexibility and stretching, self myofascial release with foam rolls (SMFR) is not what comes to mind. ...
Flexibility Article Series, 2
When someone says, "You need to stretch out before you workout," what does that mean? Well, you might get five different answers ...
Flexibility Article Series, 1
You should perform flexibility exercises everyday to help your body feel and perform better. Flexibility is the normal extensibility (capa...